Tag Archives: inn-cognito

Orrville Community Theater has been busy in January electing board members, choosing plays for the year, and securing locations for those plays since at the moment we are a nomadic community theater. In early January, we announced auditions for our first play of the year, Inn-Cognito! Our cast was chosen by mid-January, and by the end of January, rehearsals were underway (in between the horrid, snowy, Ohio weather).

Here are a few photos from rehearsals so far…


Welcome 2022!

There’s a lot of behind the scenes busy work happening with the Orrville Community Theater right now. Our first show of the season, Inn-Cognito is currently rehearsing for April performances, and we have a few more plays waiting in the wings!

Be sure to keep an eye out on the website and our social media for upcoming auditions, shows, and more!